Taking It All into Perspective

 These are my blackberries (or black raspberries, they look very similar).  Technically they are wild blackberries (or black raspberries, the difference is subtle).  Don't they seem quite huge?  This is really a tight close-up of a couple from the foundation plants located at the corner of my house.

My neighbor down the street was nice enough to drop off a pint of his cultivated blackberries (or black raspberries, they resemble each other).  Cultivated means that the fruit has been hybridized to be larger, the bush (usually) less thorny, carefully and deliberately planted in the garden.  Wild means that the bush spontaneously appeared in your formerly pristine lawn when a bird pooped out the seeds.  The fruit is small and the thorny stems are so rapier-sharp that your skin rips open just looking at them.

On the left is one of my neighbor's blackberries (or black raspberries, hard to tell the difference).  On the right is one from the first photo.

Here I'm holding them so you can really tell the true sizes of the two blackberries (or  black rasp ... who cares ....).

My totally unbiased opinion thinks that although mine are smaller, they are a touch less tart and a tad more sweet.

Or it could just be sour grapes (sorry) ...
